Slush Invaders Wiki

Hey guys, since nobody paid attention to the extra info I put on my earlier blog, I decided to not be lazy and make a new one.

As most of you know, my ideas are mostly unheard. Drew, Chak, and RMD are the only ones who ever listen.


I am very concerned about this topic, as it is completely tarnishing my role in the wiki. If this keeps up, I probably won't even be here to comment. That's how useless I'll be.

So I just wanted to raise awareness about this, so that all of our ideas may be heard. Thanks for reading.

UPDATE: I will temporarily keep my material to a minimum to allow Red Tiger's ideas. This will be temporary, but it will be a VERY long time until I make a new game (If I ever do). I'll still be here though, editing and commenting and whatnot. Have a nice day.
