Slush Invaders Wiki

Stallan's Description

Stallan or now known as the unknown light blue stickman with a white border that made an accidental appearance in the Game's intro cutscene.


Stallan made an accidental appearance in the intro where he was seen with Stedro and Westick running towards BigBlue, where he was never seen again. It is unknown whether he was captured and transformed into a Blue or He stayed at Slusher.


Stallan (Unknown light blue stickman)

If he did stayed, It is most likely he was kicked out first from the rest of the fighters!

It is unknown whether he is a new member, an alternate of Steric or a miscollored BriStick.

Stallan is also Transparent, it is still unknown if he is Transparent or not, Due to the intros fast playing video and the fighters shadows rushing in on the scene.


Since it is unknown if he is a new member or an accident, there is no recollection or scenes of his powers or abilities.

Players have theorized that he was Steric or a slightly lighter version of BriStick.

But a user named The Real Sthomas found out it was the latter.

PROOF of the unknown stickmen

PROOF: The unknown stickmen is still unknown but this whole time, everyone thought that Steric or Bristick were the culprits behind this case, but it was none of them, and that they could be found next to each other while being captured.

In The Movie

He did not appear in the movie, although it may be hinted he can be seen with a watchful eye of a viewer if they keep an eye out for him.

In Game

Stallan made his only appearance in the Game's intro cutscene where he was seen running to dodge one of the Blue's traps, He was never seen again after this.


  • Stallan is the first (and only) fighter to be Transparent
  • Stallan may not be a Slush Fighter, due to the fact he made an accidental appearance.
  • Stallan maybe a new member, although there is no possible evidence of this
  • Stallan may have been captured and also defeated by the fighters.
  • It is possible that, if seen closely that he was not in the first bit of the intro.
  • He appeared in the second bit where the ambush started.
  • He may have been turned into a Blue .
  • If he was he may have been defeated in either Moon PrisonBlue Base  or Luna.
  • He was named Stallan by his Discoverer, Vincetick.
  • But The Real Sthomas realized it was a BriStick color error.
    • Although this might not be true as BriStick was between Stick Brian and Stucker during the ambush scene.
  • It may also be possible that he survived when the Blue Base exploded in the Moon, but it is still unknown if he is still his rightful color or a Blue.
  • If he had survived and still remains as he is, He may be added as a Bonus Character in the upcoming 3rd series of the Slush Invaders.
  • He may be a simple animation error completely irrelevant to the story.
  • DrewStick found out that Stallan error version of any of the slush fighters. He was never seen during the line up when Big Blue was looking at the blues behind the bushes, and with careful counting by looking carefully at who was captured and who was unlockable (Not countin Stick Michael, Stickirby, or Stick Jorge because they didn't appear in that cutscene.), it would be safe to say that either Gildedguy forgot to delete that animation of a slush fighter before he changed his mind and made another animation for him or he didn't do it because of schedule reasons and made Stallan a mystery that could never be solved, for fun. 

    Stallan's First appearance

  • It seems that Stallan is the same as the color Stedro was in the original series, when Stedro was fast and quick on beating Blues.
  • It also seems that he may have been Stedro's color Shadow, like at the original, Stedro had 3 color Shadows that looked like him as a Bluish Fighter, but it had a Dark Blue border, than what Stallan has, a white border.